What We Do
Whatever your economic consulting needs, M.E is here to help.
We provide expertise across a range of industry sectors and a comprehensive range of services customised to suit your needs. Be it economic evaluation, feasibility, model development, analysis, business case development, expert evidence, or peer review, we have the expertise to deliver high impact results.
Urban Planning and Policy
M.E Consulting has ongoing involvement and research in key aspects of New Zealand’s urban policy. We provide a wide range of evidential analysis for both local and central government, and the private sector, to enable good policy and strategic decision making. Our research covers urban land markets, the urban-rural interface, housing prices, commercial feasibility, market indicators and monitoring, price-cost efficiency, growth capacity and sufficiency, urban intensification and the inter-relationships among population and employment growth, migration, property ownership, macro-economic trends and the statutory planning framework. We have a particular interest in helping local authorities comply with the National Policy Statement – Urban Development (2020).
Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments 2021 (Future Proof Partners)
Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments (Housing) 2021 (Queenstown Lakes District, ongoing)
Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments 2021 (Rotorua Lakes District, ongoing)
Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments (Housing) 2021 (Napier & Hastings City Councils, ongoing)
Residential Development
We work with a diverse range of clients on housing sector issues and development proposals. Our services cover assessing housing needs and preferences, housing demand and supply, affordability, integrated social housing developments, dwelling projections, the economic feasibility of residential developments and development financial models. We can also assess the economic costs and benefits of residential plan changes and structure plans, and the economic effects of residential development consents.
The Housing We’d Choose: A Study of Housing Preferences, Choices and Trade-offs in Auckland (Auckland Council)
Future Proof Sub-Region Housing Study: Demand Preferences and Supply Matters (Future Proof Partners)
Upper Eastside Indicative Structure Plan Market Assessment (Rotorua Lakes Council)
Economic impact of Rural Lifestyle and Retirement Village Development Scenarios on Ayrburn Farm (Winton)
Raglan Housing Demand and Capacity Assessment and Evidence (Rangitahi Limited)
Residential Growth – Assessment of Options and Capacity Analysis (Tauranga City Council)
Greenfield Housing Policy Options Assessment for Hamilton – Dwelling Demand and Feasibility Assessment (Hamilton City Council, w. 4Sight)
Clyde Residential Demand Assessment for Private Plan Change 15 (The Clyde Claim Ltd & Others)
Commercial Development
By combining our comprehensive datasets, interactive modelling and GIS capabilities, our expertise helps guide future commercial development and planning and provides a sound basis for investment decisions. Location is a key driver of market behaviour. M.E are industry leaders in integrating social, demographic and economic data with spatial information to assess demand and the structures established to meet this demand. Our proprietary and bespoke modelling makes the link between demand (households, tourists, employment) and supply (centres, stores, businesses, facilities and infrastructure) on the ground. We have applied these methods widely for the commercial sector (e.g. in retail and service network planning and development) and the public sector (e.g. to locate recreational and sporting facilities such as libraries and swimming pools). Our commercial development work includes commercial plan changes and consent application.
Examples of services provided for this sector:
North Halswell Town Centre Development Consent Application – Economic Assessment (Woolworths NZ)
Economic Assessment of the Queenstown Lakes District Industrial Economy and Zoning (Queenstown Lakes District Council)
Warkworth Business Land Planning – Economic Assessment of Zoning Demand and Implications for the Future Urban Zone (Auckland Council)
Peer Review of Astley Ave Mixed Use Development Resource Consent Application (Auckland Council)
Proposed Manukau Road Hotel Development – Economic Scoping Study and Financial Analysis (Caltex Capricorn Limited)
Auckland CBD Retail and Service Business Performance and Market Assessment (Heart of the City)
Christchurch Red Zone Land Use Options – Economic Impact and Cost Benefit Analysis (Regenerate Christchurch)
Proposed Ashburton Kmart Development – Retail Effects Assessment (River Crossing Limited)
Huntly Industrial Land Study – Competitor Analysis and Alternate Land Futures (Tainui Group Holdings Ltd)
Panmure Countdown Retail Distributional Effects Assessment for Resource Consent Application (Woolworths NZ)
Rural Resources, Planning and Policy
M.E Consulting has a range of capabilities and expertise in the economic assessment and analysis of rural resources and rural planning and policy issues. This includes economic assessment of mining and quarrying activities, providing an evidence base for rural zoning, understanding the economic viability of primary production activities, assessing demand and potential for rural subdivision and growth, understanding rural land markets, growth projections of the diary and forestry sector and the implication of regulation on rural landowners. We have particular interest in the economic effects, costs and benefits of the proposed National Policy Statements on Highly Productive Land and Indigenous Biodiversity.
Examples of services provided for this sector:
Cost Benefit Analysis of the Proposed NPS on Highly Productive Land (Ministry for Primary Industries)
Indicative Cost Benefit Analysis of the Draft NPS on Indigenous Biodiversity (Ministry for the Environment)
Far North Rural Environment Economic Analysis (Far North District Council)
Kaipara District Plan Review – Rural Zoning Economic Assessment (Kaipara District Council)
The Economic Contribution and Impact of Tauranga Quarry Expansion (Tauranga Quarries Ltd)
Waikato District Rural Subdivision Economic Assessment and Evidence (Waikato District Council)
Waihi Mine Extension Economic Peer Review (Hauraki District Council)
Economic Analysis of Proposed Rural Subdivision Rules (Waimakariri District Council)
Brookby Quarry – Auckland Demand and Supply of Aggregates Economic Assessment (Brookby Quarry Ltd)
Local and Central Government
We work closely with local and regional government agencies on a range of policy issues including economic development and strategies; sector economic contributions and opportunities; rating policy; development contributions; the economic implications of policies and bylaws such as local alcohol policies and air quality standards; national legislative reform; competitive advantage; education growth planning; and skills and labour force modelling. M.E undertakes a wide range of work for central and local government clients covering the breadth of our services.
Examples of services provided for this sector:
Mackenzie District Destination Management Plan – Economic Assessment and Options Analysis (BECA/Mackenzie District Council)
Strategic Land Use Framework – North-West Assessment of Business Land Requirements (Auckland Council)
National Construction and Infrastructure Sector Occupations Model (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment)
Cost Benefit Analysis of Air Quality Policy Options under the NESAQ (Ministry for the Environment)
Economic Impact of Proposed New Facility at Waikeria Prison (Department of Corrections)
Auckland Indoor Court Facility Plan (Auckland Council, w. Visitor Solutions)
Better Business Case – Smooth Hill Landfill Economic Assessment (Dunedin City Council)
Transport & Infrastructure
M.E provides expertise to a range of private and government clients (including port and airport companies) in the fields of transportation and infrastructure research, policy and planning. Well suited to our geographic perspective, our work in this sector spans infrastructure and transport economics, freight flows modelling, feasibility, economic impacts, cost-benefit analysis, pricing, and funding advice.
Examples of services provided for this sector:
Economic Effects of a Light Rail Transport Corridor on Auckland’s Economy and Community (HLC)
Travel Lift Investment - Economic Impact Study (Oceania Marine)
Transport Implications of Automation and New Technology Economic Effects (NZ Transport Agency)
Queenstown Airport (Frankton) Economic Impact Assessment (Queenstown Airport Corporation)
Economic and Social Contribution of NZ’s Airport Network (NZ Airports Association)
Ports of Auckland Economic Impact (Ports of Auckland Limited)
New Zealand Freight Flows Model (NZ Transport Agency)
New Zealand Domestic Air Routes Outlook (Ministry of Transport)
Northern Rodney Inland Port Scoping Study (Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development Ltd)
Northport Expansion Economic Impact Assessment (Northport Ltd)
Tourism and Events
We have a depth of experience in the tourism sector, with particular expertise in the cruise ship and major events space, tourism forecasts and tourism sector studies. M.E applies new and innovative data sources and techniques to help understand visitor travel and spending patterns in robust and cost effective ways as well as modelling the feasibility of new tourism and leisure facilities.
Examples of services provided for this sector:
Economic Impact of the 2011 Rugby World Cup (Auckland Council)
Auckland on Water Boat Show 2018 Economic Impact Study (NZ Marine)
Economic Impact of Hosting the America’s Cup (various) (Ministry of Tourism/MBIE/Auckland Council)
Economic Impact of Funding Emirates Team New Zealand (MBIE)
Great Walks CBA and Multi-Criteria Analysis (Department of Conservation)
Economic Impact Assessment of Te Papa Wellington (Te Papa)
Economic Impact Analysis of the i-Site Network (i-Site)
Marine Sectors and Policy
M.E frequently apply skills and resources to undertake marine sector specific studies for industry bodies, local authorities and private sector clients seeking to understand and maximize growth and development or test the effectiveness of regulation. This includes studies related to aquaculture, marine infrastructure, commercial and recreational fishing, recreational boating, and marine protection.
Examples of services provided for this sector:
Economic Impact of the New Zealand Cruise Sector (Cruise New Zealand)
Marine Industry (Recreation Boating) Situation and Prospects Report (Marine NZ)
Assessing the Costs and Benefits of a Fishery Quota (Ministry for Primary Industries)
Costs Benefit Analysis of Hectors and Maui Dolphin Protection Policy (World Animal Protection)
Blue Economy Economic Assessment (The Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge/Auckland University)
Southland Region Marine Occupation Charging Regime Economic Assessment (Environment Southland)
Opua Marina Hardstand Extension and Marine Servicing and Oyster Landing Facility Economic Impact Study (Far North Holdings)
Open Ocean Aquaculture Cost Benefit Analysis and Economic Impact (NZ Trade & Enterprise)